“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

What To Expect

the opportunity to let go of the constant doing of daily life and step into a place of being

a safe space for you to discover your body’s potential for movement, without expectation, comparison or judgement

the time to befriend and know your breath

how the support of the earth brings lightness and ease

that you can change your life

Liz teaches in English and/or Spanish

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One-to-one Sessions

(Online or in person).

People come for individual sessions for a variety of reasons.

Maybe you would really like to evolve your practice,

or you have an injury or situation where being part of a class is not for you right now.

Or you simply cannot make the class times and know you would like to have some kind of regular guidance on the mat.

Then one-to-one sessions are for you.

Yoga Teacher Mentoring

Over the years many teachers have come to me not only for individual sessions and classes but because of the need for some kind of supervision around their teaching.

With nearly 30 years experience in the field, I've taught people of all ages and abilities at yoga centres, on retreats and in private practice.

I would love to help you, as a teacher, take more care of yourself and support you, to be able to share your practice with your students.

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"WOW amazing classes. Liz teaches yoga with breathing techniques that allow you to develop a truly deep connection with the mind and body.

She allows you to proceed at your own pace while offering guidance and support. You leave the class feeling relaxed and invigorated."

Yoga Retreats with Liz

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